If you would have told people just a century ago how we use technology now, people would have called you crazy. Rightly so, because even today some applications seem to come straight out of a science fiction movie. The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is therefore undeniable. From the development of new drugs and materials, to the automation of advertisements, AI is all around us almost everywhere. With the ever-growing computing power, this will only continue as well.
AI within organizations
Organizations are also embracing AI because of the many benefits it offers. The data-driven and objective way AI algorithms analyze data reduces human error. Results are delivered faster and consistently, leaving people more time for other things. AI advises us in ways that humans cannot naturally do themselves.
But can AI also advise on how we organize and behave? After all, we see ads in our web browsers that capitalize on where our interests lie. We are also presented with increasingly personalized experiences when we visit some websites or stores. But can it also help us understand more about how we work together and what role we play in it? Can AI show us what we don’t see about ourselves and how we are as a group?
Realizing untapped potential
The answer to that question is “YES.” Using network analysis and other applications of Artificial Intelligence, teams and organizations can see in detail how people are working together. In fact, our interactions form a network. Whether it’s knowledge sharing, social interaction or a cup of coffee, it’s all networking.
Using AI and organizational network analysis, inefficiencies in collaboration become apparent. It also shows what role people have in collaboration and can reveal previously hidden talents. It provides concrete tools for improving collaboration, reducing the need to guess where the bottlenecks are.
AI thus also offers the way for collaboration to realize untapped potential. And with some 7.7 billion people in the world, this is the best time ever to use AI to better collaborate and empower people.
Want to learn more about how AI and organizational network analysis can realize untapped potential within your team or organization? If so, please contact us at info@qultify.com or make an appointment.